Re: [xsl] grouping + global variable (?) (was re: regexs, grouping (?) and XSLT2?)

Subject: Re: [xsl] grouping + global variable (?) (was re: regexs, grouping (?) and XSLT2?)
From: Jeni Tennison <jeni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 20:18:37 +0100
Hi Bruce,

> So, basically, I need a way to specify to somehow use the same
> suffix calculation in the citation and the bib entry. Ideally, I
> want to just be able to do a <xsl:value-of select="$suffix"/>
> whether I am formatting the citation or the bibliography.

I think you need to use Mike's suggestion of building an intermediate
version of the bibliography. Use the grouping method to create copies
of the <mods> elements, adding a "year" attribute (or something) that
holds the appropriate year + suffix. Then, when generating the
bibliography or list of citations, you only need to pull in the value
of this 'year' attribute.

I haven't got time to go into more detail right now, but hopefully
that will get you on track.



Jeni Tennison

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