Re: [xsl] FO: nested tables not appearing in RTF output (Jfor)

Subject: Re: [xsl] FO: nested tables not appearing in RTF output (Jfor)
From: "J.Pietschmann" <j3322ptm@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 23:00:29 +0200
Jonathan Gruenhut wrote:

I am trying to convert a FO file to RTF through Jfor, automated through a
Java program.  My output is displayed in tables.  I want to place a table
inside some cells, but no data (text or images) come out in the RTF output.

I validated my FO against the DTD and with fo-lint, and it came out fine.
The text of the FO file is below.  Does anyone have any suggestions for how
I can get the tables to come out right?

The JFOR processor is limited in functionality. You should probably go to a more JFOR specific list for more details, check the documentation in your JFOR distribution.


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