Re: [xsl] Phraser (was:xsl:analyze-string)

Subject: Re: [xsl] Phraser (was:xsl:analyze-string)
From: "cking" <cking@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 00:31:42 +0200
Hi M. David,

I hope you don't mind that I stole your idea :)
Followed the link you mentioned, and I couldn't resist trying it!
I found a solution, and then took the time to make many improvements
while learning a lot about XSLT (helped mainly by reading this list)

Here's my solution:

Anton Triest

Two weeks ago, At 2004-08-02 10:02 AM, M. David Peterson wrote:
> While not a complete answer to your problem I wonder if this might be of help to 
> you...
> This is a coding challenge called "Phraser" put up by Zhanyong Wan whom if you 
> are not already familiar with comes from the Haskell school of thought (his 
> dissertation for his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale was "Functional 
> Reactive Programming for Real-Time Reactive Systems".
> The Challenge:
> In his words... "Your task is to write a program that finds all possible ways to 
> phrase a phone number.  By "phrase" I mean using a mixture of numbers and 
> English words to spell out the number.  For example, the number 642-394-6369 can 
> be phrased as nice-window, nice-wind-ox, nice-win-fox, nice-9-in-fox, etc."
> He created his recursive solution using Haskell and I wonder if his 
> functional-programming-based algorithm (he writes a fantastic explanation 
> regarding the thought process behind his solution) might help you solve the 
> problem you are running into.
> I've been meaning to attempt an XSLT solution to his challenge and if I can ever 
> find the time I will most definitely make an attempt...  None-the-less, thats of 
> know help to you now! :)  But maybe this is close enough to your issue that it 
> may be of some use...
> HTH's!
> Best regards,
> <M:D/>

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