Re: [xsl] importing HTML

Subject: Re: [xsl] importing HTML
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:04:10 +0100
> I have a text file containing malformed HTML text I want to import as
> CDATA into a template, to be called from my stylesheet.

If you are using XSLT2 (ie saxon8) you could do


<xsl:import href=""/>


<xsl:template match="...">
<xsl:copy-of select="d:htmlparse(unparsed-text('file-with-html-in-it.html','ISO-8859-1'))"/>



For XSLT1 you really need to convert your file to well formed xml first
tidy or tagsoup could do this (see google for URLs for these)


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