RE: [xsl] Get value outside of for-each Statement

Subject: RE: [xsl] Get value outside of for-each Statement
From: "Passin, Tom" <tpassin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 15:20:10 -0400
> From: john lee [mailto:excel_man@xxxxxxxxxxx]

> I got a problem with for-each statement. When you are inside a
> statement, how do you link the value inside the for-each statement
with a
> value that is outside of the element being looped through ?

You don't show where the employee number resides, so it is hard to give
precise advice or to know if some other way besides for-each would be
better (for example, apply-templates might work well, and make for easy
access to other data you are interested in.  However, generally, you
either use a variable or a key to get what you want.


Tom P

> This is the xml:
> <employee_name>
> </employee_name>
> <employee_number>
> </employee_number>
> <employee_name>
> </employee_name>
> <employee_number>
> </employee_number>
> This is the output I want to have:
> Employee Name: Test1                  Employee Number: 123
> Employee Name: Test2                  Employee Number: 456
> <xsl:for-each select="employee_name">
>    <tr>
>       <td> Employee Name: <xsl:value-of select="employee_name"></td>
>       <td>Employee Number: ______________________________ </td>
>   </tr>
> </xsl:for-each>
> Any help would be appreciated
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