[xsl] difference between nameofelement and (nameofelement)

Subject: [xsl] difference between nameofelement and (nameofelement)
From: Burghard Güther <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 22:38:06 +0200

what is the difference between "nameofelement" and
"(nameofelement)" in XSL?

The line

<xsl:with-param name="number"
   select="preceding::footnote/preceding::endnote" />

works with Saxonb 8 and Xalan 2.6.0, whereas

<xsl:with-param name="number"
   select="(preceding::footnote)/(preceding::endnote)" />

works with Saxon but gives the following error in Xalan:

"Relative location path expected following '/' or '//'"

Hope this is not a Xalan-specific question. :)

Thanks - Burghard

ps: Of course the given line is a reduced version. The
    full version is:

count( (preceding::footnote[@start] |
preceding::endnote[@start])[position()=last()]/(preceding::footnote |

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