RE: [xsl] misc. confusion on "footnote" handling

Subject: RE: [xsl] misc. confusion on "footnote" handling
From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 17:48:46 +0100
> >Is there some smart way I can have one main stylesheet that imports 
> >different stylesheets depending on that main "class" parameter?

There's a new facility coming along in the next draft of 2.0 which allows a
kind of compile-time conditional, for example you will be able to say:

<xsl:import href="thing.xsl" 
   use-when="system-property('xsl:vendor-url') =

Vendors are allowed to define their own system property names, so a possible
scenario is that implementations will allow access to operating system
environment variables or Java system properties, or even to options
specified in some way on the (compile-time) command line.

Michael Kay

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