Re: [xsl] collapsing number ranges

Subject: Re: [xsl] collapsing number ranges
From: Jeni Tennison <jeni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 10:21:57 +0100
Hi Bruce,

> Is there some easy way -- in XSLT 2.0 -- to handle in a general way
> collapsing number ranges like:
> 23-24 => 23-4
> 333-334 => 333-34
> 7777-7778 => 7777-78
> The source will be like:
> <biblioref linkend="one" units="page" begin="23" end="24" />

Taking a guess at the algorithm, what about:

  <xsl:value-of select="@begin" />
    <xsl:when test="string-length(@begin) = 1">
      <xsl:value-of select="@end" />
    <xsl:when test="string-length(@begin) = 2">
      <xsl:value-of select="substring(@end, 2, 1)" />
      <xsl:value-of select="substring(@end, last() - 1)" />

If that's not what you're after, show us the XML of some more examples
and try to put the algorithm that you want into English or


Jeni Tennison

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