Re: [xsl] sorting titles w stopwords but w/o value in every title node

Subject: Re: [xsl] sorting titles w stopwords but w/o value in every title node
From: "cking" <cking@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 18:34:32 +0200
Hi Susan,

> Thanks for the help. (I am still referring to the stop-words variable with 
> document('')/xsl:stylesheet/sw:stop/word because that does give me the sort order. 
> Because our setup, that may be my only option.)

I found out why it didn't work for me, it's a namespace issue. I had put your template
inside a XHTML-output stylesheet (with xmlns="";), 
and then "document('')/xsl:stylesheet/sw:stop/word" didn't return anything. If I
change the <word> elements to <sw:word>, it works.

> The problem I still have is that entries without a value in the title sort first.  
> I need to group by title when the doc-number is the same. It may be both a sorting 
> and grouping problem, but I don't know how to go about it.
> (The doc number is included only for testing. I left out imprint and ISBN from this 
> sample for clarity. It is possible to have the same issue or different issue arrive on 
> the same or different days as there are multiple subscriptions.)

Maybe I don't fully understand what you're trying to get (esp. that last sentence), 
but can't you simply perform a triple-sort instead of double-sort? 
First sort by doc-number, then by title and finally by date?

> <xsl:for-each select="//section-02/z13-title">

I guess you're only using "//" in your sample code, because you know this can seriously
slow down the transform process (esp. with large input files)? Unless of course your
input files are organized with <section-02> elements that can appear anywhere in
the document...

Best regards
Anton Triest

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