RE: [xsl] Schema aware transformations

Subject: RE: [xsl] Schema aware transformations
From: "Andrew Welch" <ajwelch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 08:38:52 +0100
> > -Does the SA processor require a source schema for every
> > transform (when
> > using schema-element() etc)?
> No, a schema-aware processor can handle both typed and
> untyped input documents.

Is it the case that a schema-aware processor processing an untyped input
document behaves the same as a non-SA processor on that document?

For example, I could use Saxon 8.4SA with my current stylesheets and
(currently) untyped source and I would get the same output as using
Saxon 8.4B?

(I'm trying to rule out any reasons for choosing 8.4B over 8.4SA)

> > -Is it possible to store the validated source (the PSVI?)
> and supply
> > that for subsequent transforms?
> Watch this space....

I think that's the clincher at the moment.

> > Other than the 2.0 spec, are there any good resources out
> there for SA
> > processing?
> There's a chapter in my book, but it was written before I had
> any real practical experience to share. So the answer is,
> very little. I've been meaning for a while to write some
> articles on the subject. I have given a few talks (the next
> one is in Prague on Saturday, but I think they're
> full...)

(I'm in Prague this weekend too, but on a friends stag do - small world
isn't it?)

I have your books but as you say the chapter on SA processing doesn't
have many real world examples.  Those articles or lecture notes would be


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