Subject: Re: [xsl] A beef with XSLT Sometimes too complicated From: omprakash.v@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 16:07:16 +0530 |
Hi, They have 2 different specs and one can exist independently of the other. So how could they both be part of the same language. cheers, prakash David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxx To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx k> cc: (bcc: omprakash.v/Polaris) Subject: Re: [xsl] A beef with XSLT Sometimes too complicated 07/14/2006 03:20 PM Please respond to xsl-list > I hate the idea of 2 'if's in a language. depends whether you think xpath is a different language or the same language. If you don't like two ifs you not going to liek two for loops either <xsl:copy-of select="for $x in foo/x return $i"/> <xsl:for-each select="foo/x"> <xsl:copy-of select="."/> David This e-Mail may contain proprietary and confidential information and is sent for the intended recipient(s) only. If by an addressing or transmission error this mail has been misdirected to you, you are requested to delete this mail immediately. You are also hereby notified that any use, any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of this e-mail message, contents or its attachment other than by its intended recipient/s is strictly prohibited. Visit us at
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