Re: [xsl] Problem calling this template

Subject: Re: [xsl] Problem calling this template
From: Steve <subsume@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:27:34 -0400
Changing the following-sibling::Record[0] to [1], the recursion works
perfectly however when it has reached the last Record, it goes back to
the top (but peculiarly skips the top record) and does this many

So instead of having a list such as

<Record 1 A=1 B=0 C=0>
<Record 2 A=1 B=1 C=0>
<Record 3 A=0 B=0 C=3>
<Record 4 A=0 B=0 C=9>
<Record 2 A=1 B=1 C=0>        <!-- has started again!
<Record 3 A=0 B=0 C=3>
    ... etc. Then starts over at record 3, skipping 1 and 2.

I realize its an obscure bug from unknown code, so thanks in advance.

PS: David, thank you for your processor tips.

On 7/18/06, David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

<xsl:apply-templates select="$services//Record">

You don't show the definition of $services, but I assume that
$services//Record selects all the Records. (// is an expensive
operation, if you know your Record elemenst are not arbitrarily deep in
teh eleemnt structure, using somethng other than // will save the system
the effort of looking)


I don't think you want to apply templates to siblings as you have
already applied templates to all Record elements in the call above.
This XPath will never select anything as [0] is [position()=0] and
position() always returns an integer >= 1.


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