Re: [xsl] Problem calling this template

Subject: Re: [xsl] Problem calling this template
From: Steve <subsume@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:39:56 -0400
I have seen the light. $x/y/z[1] was it.

Would *never* have thought of that. I've got a ruby script filling a
text-file with the string "thanks!\r". You'll receive it when I feel
its adequate.


On 7/18/06, David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> , it goes back to > the top (but peculiarly skips the top record) and does this many > times.

<xsl:apply-templates select=".">

looks dangerous:-) It would of course be an infinite loop if the
parameters didn't change. I haven't actually checked what parameters are
being passed at this stage.

also, if you did intent to follow siblings during teh recursion, then
probably you only intended to start at the first Record rather than all
of them so change

<xsl:template match="/" >
       <xsl:apply-templates select="$services//Record">


<xsl:template match="/" >
       <xsl:apply-templates select="$services/Records/Record[1]">

(or whatever path is needed to select just one node)


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