RE: [xsl] Japanese characters show up as ? in browser

Subject: RE: [xsl] Japanese characters show up as ? in browser
From: "David Nesbitt" <dnesbitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:20:39 -0700
> > When the UTF-8 characters are embedded in the XSL, they seem
> > to work fine.  It appears to be only when I transfer them
> > from the XML using the xsl:value-of element, that they are
> > not coming across properly.  Is there anything else I could
> > be missing?
> That would suggest a problem with the encoding declaration in the XML
> document.

Thanks for the follow up!  Here is the XML declaration from the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Does this seem correct?  If so, could there be anything else going on?


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