Re: [xsl] Copy idiom and overriding namespaces: trying to be smart, finding approaches

Subject: Re: [xsl] Copy idiom and overriding namespaces: trying to be smart, finding approaches
From: Abel Braaksma Online <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 20:38:50 +0200
Hi Michael,

Well, what I am trying to do is replacing the namespace from the input document with some other namespace. Doing it for just one element (like the root element) would still cause all other children to keep the namespace of the input document. That's why I try to use the copy idiom and override it for certain values.

Perhaps every node has a local name, but this is set to empty "" for text nodes (not sure if that's really correct, but it is what happens with Saxon 8 ). My first solution was without this local-name() thing, but I got runtime xslt errors for trying to create elements with empty names, hence this solution.

Abel Braaksma,

Michael Kay wrote:

I'm not at all sure what you're trying to do here, but

match="*[local-name() = '']

looks all wrong. Every element has a local name.

Michael Kay

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