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Our Guarantee
"You are one of the most capable and responsive vendors that I have had the pleasure of working with, not to mention the terrific service that you provide."

Tyler Keeney,
Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association
BIGLIST can help you meet the following objectives:
Increase sales - Make sales with your website even after your visitors have left your site.
Cut costs - Eliminate the costs associated with paper mailing lists.
Create a community - Create a powerful networking tool for your members.
Make your website a marketing tool - Online purchases don't happen on the first visit so keep your visitors coming back.
Outsource your list administration - Eliminate the headaches associated with managing an e-mailing list and free up your staff to concentrate on your core business.
Replace your message boards - Make it convenient for your members to connect with each other.
Make the most of your website - Turn your passive Internet presence into an active arm of your organization.
Let us help you even if you don't have a website - You don't need a website to take advantage of a BigList.

  BIGLIST Inc. · 212-686-2140
  1640 Maple Ave #801
  Evanston, IL 60201

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