Re: [jats-list] Confirming STS metadata cardinality

Subject: Re: [jats-list] Confirming STS metadata cardinality
From: "G. Ken Holman g.ken.holman@xxxxxxxxx" <jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 21:02:17 -0000
Thanks, Bruce! I don't see this note in the JATS archives.

But, unfortunately, it doesn't answer the nut of my question.

I am aware that <std-meta> effectively replaces
<iso-meta>, <reg-meta>, and <nat-meta> when used
in adoption layers, and is nicely neutral. And
that the three amigos are deprecated. Not a problem.

But my question is in regard to the cardinality
of <std-meta> (and, indirectly, the others).
Could you please take a moment to re-read my original post?

The schema allows <std-meta> to be repeatable,
but I think that is an artefact of the
declaration mechanism used in lieu of the RELAX-NG concept of interleave.

Is it semantically correct for any given layer of
a NISO-STS document to have more than one <std-meta> element?

Sorry to be nit-picky, but I'm facing issues
regarding the answer to this nuanced question.

Thanks, again!

. . . . . . Ken

At 2023-06-29 20:51 +0000, Rosenblum, Bruce wrote:
Ken: I sent this message a few weeks ago. Not sure where it got lost. Bruce


Hi Ken,

Historically (meaning ISO STS 1.1) the DTD had
<iso-meta> <reg-meta> or <nat-meta>. However ISO
STS was originally designed to be used only by
ISO network members. Once the standard moved to
NISO, we added the more neutral <std-meta>,
which is not meant for any specific organization
and can be used by all organizations. So you can
model all standards and one or more adoptions
using <std-meta> and not use the original meta
elements at all. However a mandate for NISO STS
was backwards compatibility with ISO STS 1.1 and
so the elements are still present.

Should the standing committee decide in the
future to create NISO STS 2.0 that is not
backwards compatible with NISO STS 1.x, it would
be my personal opinion that the original 3 elements should be deprecated.


Bruce Rosenblum

VP Content and Workflow Solutions

Massachusetts, USA

Mon-Fri, 11:00am-7:00pm Eastern (US & Canada)

From: G. Ken Holman g.ken.holman@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023 4:32 PM
To: jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <jats-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [jats-list] Confirming STS metadata cardinality

b This is an external email.

Hello, again, everyone.

May I please poke someone responsible for NISO-STS regarding the
question I posted earlier regarding the cardinality of metadata elements?

For example, I cannot see how to put three <std-meta> elements under
<front>, say for international, regional, and national distinctions,
even when distinguished by std-meta-type=, because there are no
originator= attributes to associate front-matter sections that use
originator=. Users of the data might inconsistently derive an
originator value from the possibilities found in the metadata.

If my guess is correct that the semantic cardinality is limited to
one (regardless of the syntactic cardinality), then I can make a
number of assumptions for simplicity.

Thank you for taking a moment of your time for your observations.

. . . . . . Ken

At 2023-06-16 12:50 +0000, G. Ken Holman g.ken.holman@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>Hi, folks! I enjoyed seeing everyone this week.
>When talking about adoptions and metadata this week at JATS-Con, it
>came to mind that I've made assumptions from the documentation and
>probably should confirm my assumptions while I've got my fingers in my
>Looking at a standard's front matter:
>I read:
>>(in one or more of the elements <std-meta>, <iso-meta> <reg-meta>
>>or <nat-meta>)
>... and:
>>Any combination of:
>>  - <std-meta> NISO STS Standard Metadata
>>  - <iso-meta> ISO-specific Metadata
>>  - <reg-meta> ISO-specific Regional Metadata
>>  - <nat-meta> ISO-specific National-Body Metadata
>... and:
>>(std-meta | iso-meta | reg-meta | nat-meta)*
>... and I've always assumed that the multiplicity in the cardinality
>applied only to the choice of elements and not to the individual
>elements themselves.
>In RELAX-NG this would be expressed with interleave, but we all know
>we don't have that in DTD-speak or W3C-speak.
>Moreover, I've assumed <std-meta> to be mutually exclusive with
><iso-meta>, <reg-meta>, and <nat-meta>.
>I based my assumptions on the cardinality of 0..1 for <std-meta> in
><adoption-front>. Using pure <std-meta> in adoption layers simply
>avoids the ambiguity of multiplicity.
>Do I need to adjust my assumptions? Am I missing something in the
>semantic definitions of these constructs?
>Thank you for your guidance!
>. . . . . . . Ken

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