Re: [xsl] XSLT Text Processing: Fun with Anagrams

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSLT Text Processing: Fun with Anagrams
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 20:39:44 +0200
Dimitre Novatchev wrote:
While some people here have been busy discussing whether XSLT were
dead or not, I had a better idea just to use XSLT and continue having
fun with it, as always.

For those, who might be interested in how (what seems to be the last
remaining white spot n text processing with XSLT) anagrams can be
generated with XSLT, here is the link:!44B0A32C2CCF7488!357.entry

Do Enjoy!

I like this! I think it is over a year ago that I wanted to do something similar, but back then I failed to do it simply and easily and I dropped it. This surely is a way to show how powerful XSLT can be!

-- Abel

PS: if you were looking for things not done in XSLT (yet), consider a random quote-chooser, where the input are several (xhtml) sites that offer quotes and you pick one randomly. Hmm, not that challenging. Never mind ;)

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