Re: [xsl] OOXML

Subject: Re: [xsl] OOXML
From: "Dimitre Novatchev" <dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 07:49:40 -0700
> But it set me thinking for real. If Dimitre can have FXSL, why can't I
> have OOXSL (Dimitre, are you going to expel me now?)?


I have done similar tings 6 years ago. For XSLT code that
*dynamically* creates the analog of classes with virtual functions
look here:

Approximately at that time I had implemented the XSLT 1.0 analog of a
Monad class and played with it a little. This allows to have
computations evaluated in a strict order. A much simpler demo how to
do perform actions in order is given by the XSLT Calculator:

There is no problem implementing such concepts. However, it is simply
boring to follow the OO principles in a functional environment.

Dimitre Novatchev
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk
Never fight an inanimate object
You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what
you're doing is work or play

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Colin Paul Adams
<colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>>>> "Colin" == Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> >>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Johannesen <alexander.johannesen@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>    Alexander> On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 21:58, John Snelson <john.snelson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>    >>> Maybe you've heard of a language called XSLT? Or XQuery? :-)
>    Alexander> Cheap shot. :) Besides, I meant real programming
>    Alexander> languages, not a faux functional LISP wannabe in XML
>    Alexander> guise, with no OO, so there!
>    Colin> :-)
>    Colin> So use Eiffel! (with XSLT callouts when desired).
> That was all very amusing (or not, according to your tastes).
> But it set me thinking for real. If Dimitre can have FXSL, why can't I
> have OOXSL (Dimitre, are you going to expel me now?)?
> Given the following file oo_demo.xsl:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <!-- Demonstration of Object-Oriented programming in XSLT -->
> <!--
> This demonstrates an OO class named ACCOUNT, which represents a
>  bank account equivalent to the following Eiffel class:
> class ACCOUNT
> feature - - Access
>   balance: DOUBLE
>        - - Balance of account in GBP
> feature - - Basic operations
>   deposit (a_value: DOUBLE) is
>        - - Add `a_value' to `Current'.
>      require
>         a_value_strictly_positive: a_value > 0.0
>      do
>        balance := balance + a_value
>      ensure
>        deposited: balance = old balance + a_value
>      end
>    withdraw (a_value: DOUBLE) is
>        - - Withdraw `a_value' from `Current'.
>      require
>         a_value_strictly_positive: a_value > 0.0
>         no_overdrafts: a_value <- balance
>      do
>        balance := balance - a_value
>      ensure
>        deposited: balance = old balance - a_value
>      end
> invariant
>   no_overdraft: balance >= 0.0
> end
> All operations are encoded in XML requests of the following forms:
> <balance-enquiry/>
> <deposit>a_positive_number</deposit>
> <withdraw>a_positive_number</withdraw>
> The document element is named requests. requests may take any number
>  of balance-enquiry, deposit and withdraw children.
> Contract-violation/error-checking code omitted for now.
> -->
> <xsl:transform
>   xmlns:xsl="";
>   xmlns:gexslt="";
>   xmlns:exslt="";
>   xmlns:account="";
>   extension-element-prefixes="gexslt"
>   version="2.0">
>  <xsl:output method="text"/>
>  <xsl:template match="/requests">
>    <xsl:apply-templates />
>  </xsl:template>
>  <xsl:template match="balance-enquiry">
>    Balance is : <xsl:value-of select="account:balance()" />
>  </xsl:template>
>  <xsl:template match="deposit">
>    <xsl:variable name="amount" select="text()" />
>    <xsl:variable name="balance" select="account:balance()" />
>    <gexslt:set-environment-variable name="ACCOUNT_BALANCE"
>                                     value="$amount + $balance"/>
>  </xsl:template>
>  <xsl:template match="withdraw">
>    <xsl:variable name="amount" select="text()" />
>    <xsl:variable name="balance" select="account:balance()" />
>    <gexslt:set-environment-variable name="ACCOUNT_BALANCE"
>                                     value="$amount + $balance"/>
>  </xsl:template>
>  <xsl:function name="account:balance">
>    <!-- Logic omitted for treating empty string as zero -->
>    <xsl:value-of select="system-property('exslt:ACCOUNT_BALANCE')" />
>  </xsl:function>
> </xsl:transform>
> and oo_demo.xml:
> <requests>
>  <balance-enquiry/>
>  <deposit>3.45</deposit>
>  <balance-enquiry/>
>  <withdraw>1.45</withdraw>
>  <balance-enquiry/>
> </requests>
> Then the command:
> gestalt oo_demo.xsl oo_demo.xml
> yields:
>    Balance is :
>  At line 84 in file:///home/colin/gestalt/oo_demo.xsl:
> Fatal error: Unknown extension element: gexslt:set-environment-variable
> But that's not too difficult to remedy.
> The greater difficulty is that is relies on execution order. While
> that isn't a problem in practice with the current implementation of
> Gestalt, it probably will be in the future. So it becomes a problem of
> whether the extension function can be defined in such a way as to
> guaranteee the correct execution order (since
> is already defined without any
> such refinements, this might be difficult).
> --
> Colin Adams
> Preston Lancashire

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