Re: [stella] 6502 Asm References?

Subject: Re: [stella] 6502 Asm References?
From: Robin Harbron <macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 17:57:36 -0500
Ruffin Bailey wrote:
> Anybody have any ideas for references that would be easier to find today?
>  I might get around to writing a 6502 asm for dummies book some day, but
> not for quite some time...

Here are some places where you might find some useful
information, from the C64 world:

I'd probably recommend doing a bit of 65xx on a C64 or
Apple or Atari home computer before taking on the A2600...
it's probably too much to take at once otherwise...
Robin Harbron    macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxx

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