Antwort auf: [stella] Update to my game

Subject: Antwort auf: [stella] Update to my game
From: <kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 11:01:53 +0200
On Mon May  4 16:07:05 1998, Rob Colbert wrote:

>The latest update to my game is available on my homepage at
>  It now sports scoring and an endgame
>sequence. (...)

>Try it out on PCAE 2.0 or a real 2600, let me know your high score!!!!  I
>think I had like 12000 once, but didn't really try really hard to get a
>high score, so it will be interesting.  Actually, there is a fairly easy
>way that you could play a loooong time without dying right now - let's see
>if anyone figures it out :)

Well, I didn't figure it out yet, but I reached 14675; but my PCAE is
configured to 50 fps (that's PAL frequency, 'cause I live in Austria)...

>P.S. constructive critisism is not just welcomed but WANTED!

O.K., let's start... Why do bombs and hit men have to fall with constant
speed? According to gravity, they'd have to speed up while falling.
The endgame sequence looks very cute, but everything flickers heavily.
Do you use the 2nd player, too?

I think there could be some fine-tuning to the scoring scheme. Hitting
the planes is worth, about 300 points it was, I think, while you get far
less for the paratroopers. Considering the planes aren't any danger (by
now, that is...), they shouldn't be worth that many points.

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