[stella] Star Fire: Radar completed! Magical Mystery Bug Found!

Subject: [stella] Star Fire: Radar completed! Magical Mystery Bug Found!
From: Manuel Polik <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:16:35 +0200
Hi there!

I found the bug! It's still magical mystery to me:

Instead of 

    LDA sprtsizetype,X
    AND #%00000110
    ORA #%00010000
    STA sprtsizetype,X

I did

    LDA sprtsizetype,X
    AND #00000110
    ORA #00010000
    STA sprtsizetype,X

While this clearly was the bug -

- I don't have the slightest clue what it's got to do
  with wether using RESBL or RESM0

- I don't have the slightest clue how this _ever_ worked  
  at all with the old code

As long until I changed RESBL to RESM0, it perfectly did

    AND #%00000110
    ORA #%00010000

even though I had 

    AND #00000110
    ORA #00010000

written in the code...

Beyond me, I'm sorry. But maybe it'll be a future hint 
for others searching similar magical mystery bugs...

Hope you enjoy the look'n'feel of the radar, I consider 
my work done for that part. Turned out nice I think.

Note: The mothership is not detected by radar, this is 
intentional - it has a super secret stealth mode :-)

There's not enough cycles left to do something really 
fancy on the side of the radar, but I've 18 scannlines 
left, where I can possibly display the shield state any 
way I want. Any ideas? Doing the old "shield bar" once 
more, or something different this time? :-)

As for displaying the score, I decided to display it on 
an extra screen between levels, like Christopher 
suggested. I think I'll switch back in the other 4K bank 
for that, missusing Thomas 6char routine :-)


Attachment: star.bin
Description: application/macbinary

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