Re: Re: [stella] Assymetrical Maze 2LK... help?

Subject: Re: Re: [stella] Assymetrical Maze 2LK... help?
From: Dennis Debro <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 14:03:43 -0500
Hi Jason,

> I've tried adding NOP's and "waste" instructions to move the second PF2
> write around from cycle 45 to cycle 49 and the changes are almost
> undetectable...

I think what Thomas meant was your writes to the right side needed to be adjusted. 

> > Left:
> >   PF0: z <= 22
> >   PF1: z <= 27
> >   PF2: z <= 38

PF0 needed to be written to before or on cycle 22
PF1 needed to be written to before or on cycle 27
PF2 needed to be written to before or on cycle 38

> > Right:
> >   PF0: 28 <= z <= 49
> >   PF1: 38 <= z <= 54
> >   PF2: 49 <= z <= 65

PF0 needed to be written to AFTER cycle 28 but before or on cycle 49
PF1 needed to be written to AFTER cycle 38 but before or on cycle 54
PF2 needed to be written to AFTER cycle 49 but before or on cycle 65

Take a look at
There Matt Matthews does an asymmetrical playfield.

Take care,

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