Re: [jats-list] "Self citation" markup (NLM Archiving v3).

Subject: Re: [jats-list] "Self citation" markup (NLM Archiving v3).
From: "Beck, Jeff (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E]" <beck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 13:58:28 -0400

I would just consider this something to be handled by your rendering
engine. It should be able to build the citation directly from the
<article-meta>, and then you don't have to worry about duplicating that
information in each article.


On 7/12/12 9:42 AM, "Newton, Simon - Edinburgh" <snewton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Some of our journals require each article to display a precise form of
>citation to be used by others when they wish to cite the article, so we
>include in our XML a fully semantically marked-up "self citation". I
>considered mapping this to NLM's <self-uri>, but that has a rather
>limited content model and couldn't take a <mixed-citation> for example
>(stripping out most of our markup would be an option). Have I missed an
>alternative destination for such an thing in the v3 NLM Archiving model
>please? Many thanks.
>Simon Newton.
>Blackwell Publishing Limited is a private limited company registered in
>England with registered number 180277.
>Registered office address: The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West
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