Re: [jats-list] Identifying the typesetter for an article

Subject: Re: [jats-list] Identifying the typesetter for an article
From: "Julie Blair julie.blair@xxxxxxxxxxx" <jats-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 20:49:09 -0000
Hi Tommie b

On your thought #1

>>1. This seems to me to be internal tracking information, not the sort of
content that is interchanged. So I am not sure it is within the scope of JATS.

I would argue that this metadata, even if only used internally, can be
integral to a JATS XML file. We have things like @publisher-id which are
presumably (though not always) used only by the publisher and not for
interchanging content. If a piece of metadata is deemed useful for the
community I don't think we should necessarily nix it if it's deemed
unessential for interchange. Surely this type of information helps in the
archiving of the content.

Hi Vincent b

Glad to know we aren't the only ones with the need for this. I also think the
ability to identify changes, transformations, source-type, etc. would be great
additions to JATS metadata. It would be very useful in our systems to identify
content coming from a particular type of sourcebfor instance, if a journal
article was back converted from a PDF, we use a different tailored schematron
rule set. We manage this via an ingestion workflow system, but having that
metadata directly in the XML could be beneficial in easing this burden.

I do like the use of the <event> elements here.

Hi Sasha b

We did briefly discuss using a processing instruction but found the system
implementation would be a bit difficult.

Thanks all,

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