Re: XML + (XSL | CSS) ?

Subject: Re: XML + (XSL | CSS) ?
From: Paul Prescod <papresco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 17:05:59 -0400
Frank Boumphrey wrote:
> I had been strugling with JADE on and off for about 100 hrs because I needed
> a parser to teach a course (In fact in the end I had to write my own parser
> which was MUCH quicker for me to do!!). 

I think that this is your problem. Jade is not a parser. nsgmls is a
parser, and it takes essentially no training to learn how to use it:

nsgmls foo.sgml


nsgmls -wxml foo.xml

Paul Prescod  -

"A writer is also a citizen, a political animal, whether he likes it or 
not. But I do not accept that a writer has a greater obligation 
to society than a musician or a mason or a teacher. Everyone has
a citizen's commitment."  - Wole Soyinka, Africa's first Nobel Laureate

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