Subject: Re: apache,perl,xml,xsl From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 14:30:13 -0400 |
At 02:21 PM 4/14/1999 -0300, Matthew MacKenzie wrote: > Are any of you using non-microsoft server/scripting technologies in your >XML/XSL implementations, specifically, Apache and Perl? If anyone has some >Apache XML/XSL wisdom, do speak up...all of this .asp, IIS talk is kind of >scary... Do tell! I'm in the process (over the next couple weeks) of installing Apache, Apache JServ, and Cocoon on my machine at home. Already have Python and Perl on it. Looking forward to getting into just the sort of thing you're talking about. My sense is that MS has garnered an awful lot of attention for their XML/XSL "support," and they're to be congratulated -- at least, to the extent that they've raised developer awareness of X*L technology. But as cool as ASP and related technology is, it's useless to 50% of Web sites. And my limited exposure to the MS client-side X*L technology frankly makes my skin crawl. When someone asks a question about using MSIE5, and the answers center around the necessity to use off-the-wall stuff like <xsl:eval>, it's hard for me to accept that the *questioner* has a problem. I for one would love to hear about your (or anyone else's) experiences with Perl/Python X*L-processing tools. Thanks for bringing it up. ============================================================= John E. Simpson | It's no disgrace t'be poor, simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx | but it might as well be. | -- "Kin" Hubbard XSL-List info and archive:
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RE: XPointer and XSL pattern unific, Didier PH Martin | Thread | Re: apache,perl,xml,xsl, Matthew MacKenzie |
RE: About xsl:scripts, Didier PH Martin | Date | Re: Testing/searching for several e, Paul Prescod |
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