Subject: Re: Formatting Objects considered harmful From: Stephen Deach <sdeach@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 09:03:08 -0700 |
You will note that the definition of *both* FO's *and* XSLT are REQUIRED deliverables for the WG as specified in 2.1 of the XSL WG Charter. You will also note that the first stated overall goal (Section 1.1, paragraph 3) is: to define a language for the PRESENTATION of ... structured information. The first portion of the XSL WG's charter reads as follows: ------begin charter fragment---------------------------------------------- 1.1 Purpose The XSL Working Group is chartered to specify a style sheet language for XML and other structured markup languages. This language is known as "XSL" for "extensible stylesheet language." To provide for the requirements of advanced structured publishing applications for both traditional and Web environments, the XSL activity includes the specification of an advanced stylesheet language for structured information based on the DSSSL Style Language (ISO/IEC 10179:1996) and Cascading Style Sheets 2 (CSS2). The overall goal of this work is to define a practical style sheet language capable of supporting the presentation of and interaction with structured information (e.g., XML documents) for use on servers and clients. The language should support browsing, printing, and interactive editing and design tools. It will also provide for defining the display and behavior of highly structured data. To enhance accessibility, XSL will be able to present information both visually and non-visually. XSL is not intended to replace CSS, but will provide functionality beyond that defined by CSS, for example, element re-ordering. Recognizing 1. that CSS1 is a W3C recommendation (that newer CSS versions are under development) and that a large body of documents use and will use CSS to specify the presentation of these documents, and 2. that the ISO/IEC 10179:1996 (DSSSL) specification provides 1. a style specification language that covers high quality publication formatting and 2. a model for explaining the semantics of this language, the intent of the XSL effort is to define a style specification language that covers at least the formatting functionality of both CSS and DSSSL. The intent is also that within XSL, the formatting properties and values of CSS1/CSS2 can be used with their current meaning. Where the functionality of CSS and XSL overlap, the style information shall be exportable in both XSL and CSS. As the XSL activity goes forward, the formatting model will be extended as a joint effort of the CSS&FP and XSL working groups. The working group will take as its starting position the proposal submitted by Microsoft, INSO, and ArborText on 27 August 1997. The task of the WG will be to extend this draft into a suitable style sheet language for XML. 2.0 Deliverables 2.1 Primary deliverables The primary deliverables of the XSL WG under this charter are: 1. A requirements document indicating the market requirements to be addressed by each version of the specification. 2. A specification of the Extensible Stylesheet Language, version 1.0 (and appropriate future versions required by the WG), to include (a) a language for flow object tree construction and (b) an extensible set of flow object properties/characteristics and values. 3. Minutes of each teleconference and face-to-face meeting. ------end of charter fragment---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Stephen Deach | Sr Computer Scientist 408-536-6521 (office) | Adobe Systems Inc. 408-537-4214 (fax) | Mail Stop E15-420 sdeach@xxxxxxxxx | 345 Park Ave | San Jose, CA 95110-2704 | USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- XSL-List info and archive:
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Re: Formatting Objects considered h, Guy_Murphy | Thread | Re: Formatting Objects considered h, Håkon Wium Lie |
Re: generating XML from ini-file, Rick Geimer | Date | Re: Formatting Objects considered h, Chuck White |
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