Re: XSL in Perl

Subject: Re: XSL in Perl
From: Dan Morrison <dman@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 05:18:21 +1200
Steve Morrison wrote:
> Has anyone had experience in using Perl for XSLT? I've heard of various processors out there, but, I was wondering how complete they were, or if any have been used in real world situations with success?

Well, (Morrison to Morrison)
I've been doing well with Geert's XML::XSLT module. 
Using much, contributing a tiny bit.

Does most of what I expect.
I've designed a content management system around it. It works.
Sorry, no showcase this week - it's been on the back burner for a month
or two.

In the meantime I'm still lurking as a non-Java voice on what's supposed
to be a platform-independant standard.
I get a little tired of Xalan vs Xerxes vs MSXML issues, but there's a
Perl voice in the wilderness here. 

: Dan Morrison        : The Web Limited    :
: :  :
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: Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind :

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