RE: XSLT and Text Processing Languages

Subject: RE: XSLT and Text Processing Languages
From: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 11:21:56 +0100
Paul Terray 

> Conclusion :

> - For any other format -> XML, Omnimark is mandatory
> - For XML -> any other format, Omnimark is probably better

For (OM terminology) up transforms OM is really good,
 'a poor mans perl'? (certainly easier to learn)
For XML -> any other format.... I'd caveat that with a rider,
   Only if control type (non xml) output needed,
   and probably better to determine on a wider basis, e.g.
   what complexity of transform, what access to source data.
  I find this argument weaker.

now having 0.02euro's worth:-)

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