Re: xml:include ?

Subject: Re: xml:include ?
From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 16:40:55 -0400
At 02:03 PM 09/08/2000 -0500, Eduardo Dominguez wrote:
I want to be able to include a fixed xml file in
every other file, so that that I only have to
edit in one place and every file that includes
it reflects this change.

is this possible ?

Sure (although it's an XML, not an XSLT solution). Use an external entity reference. Define the entity in a document type declaration like this:

        <!DOCTYPE ... [
        <!ENTITY includeme SYSTEM ""; >

Where you want to "xml:include" the baz.xml document, simply insert an entity reference:


John E. Simpson         | "I used to be an airline pilot. I got fired.   | I kept locking the keys in the plane. They
simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx     | caught me on an 80-foot stepladder with a
                        | coathanger." (Steven Wright)

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