[xsl] Re: [xsl]   is being displayed as Á

Subject: [xsl] Re: [xsl]   is being displayed as Á
From: Kevin Burges <xmldude@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 12:44:17 +0000
KM> I am using &#160; in my xsl in order to display spaces.  For some reason Á 
KM> is being displayed on the page instead.  Any ideas on why this is occurring, 
KM> or ideas for a substitue for &#160; in order to display a space?

I had the same problem recently. It is as other people have said
because of character set problems. What you want to do to avoid this
is to just output an entity reference in the HTML file rather than the
actual character.

You can do this by changing:



groovy baby,
 Kevin                    mailto:xmldude@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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