[xsl] Re[2]: [xsl] Re: [xsl] RE: [xsl] Re: [xsl]   is being displayed as Á

Subject: [xsl] Re[2]: [xsl] Re: [xsl] RE: [xsl] Re: [xsl]   is being displayed as Á
From: Kevin Burges <xmldude@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 21:17:23 +0000
>> I don't understand. When I put the output into IE it displays " ". The

DC> in that case you must have used disable-output-encoding, without telling
DC> us.

Yes sorry, I forgot to write that in the post.

DC>  Searching the archives of this list will show you plenty of
DC> messages discussing d-o-e, and why usually it's a bad idea.

I've been reading most of the posts, and I understand why in most
cases it is bad. I don't particularly see why it is bad in my
example where I just want to create a &#160; in an HTML file so it can
be understood easier by IE.

groovy baby,
 Kevin                    mailto:xmldude@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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