Re: [xsl] XSL to HTML --> XHTML?

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSL to HTML --> XHTML?
From: Julian Reschke <julian.reschke@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 14:17:29 +0100
Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) wrote:

Narender S chauhan wrote:

Out of these Netscape tries to process XSL
templates in better way, but that too is far away from what IE 6.0 gives on
windows using MSXML.
So you would probably need an external XSLT processor to create HTML files
at least for MAC.

Wish browsers on MAC could be that powerful.

Mozilla is better than that. It's XSLT module [1] works great for me and I'm sure it does so on OS X. It's also scriptable [2] and much more powerfull than IE's MSXML as far as XSL goes... I even wrote a lib for easier cross-browser scripting [3]. Actually, the only XML-related front that brings IE in front of Mozilla is validation.

Well, I like Moz as well, but...

- XSLT is *incredibly* slow compared to IE and
- it lacks a node-set extension function (which is really needed for some complex transformations), see Mozilla bug <>)

Regards, Julian

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