RE: [xsl] read schema & generate xsl using XML Spy 5.

Subject: RE: [xsl] read schema & generate xsl using XML Spy 5.
From: Ryan Graham <Ryan.Graham@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 17:24:06 -0700
>Hi All, 
>	is it possible to read two schemas & generate an xsl 
>which transform the first to the second using XML Spy 5?
>	If so how is it possible to the same ?
>	The xsl is very simple but the XML are very big so it 
>is a little difficult to write the same manually. 
>	So is there any way of doing the same using XML Spy 5.

You may try Altova's new product Mapforce.  It is a visual mapping tool, and
very straightforward.  Be warned however, your mileage may vary depending on
the complexity of your schemas/dtds -- it is very prone to crashing when
dealing with large documents.  We ended up writing our transformation by
hand -- a somewhat lengthy process, but definitely doable.


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