[xsl] Display Tree Nodes Incrementally based on ID.

Subject: [xsl] Display Tree Nodes Incrementally based on ID.
From: "Adam J Knight" <adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:02:09 +1000
Hi all,

Still laboring over this style sheet. I have started reading up on axis'

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <tree_node id="7" value="Test">
    <tree_node id="8" value="Test Sub"/>
    <tree_node id="9" value="Test Sub One">
      <tree_node id="10" value="Test Sub Two">
        <tree_node id="11" value="Test Sub Three"/>
             <tree_node id="12" value="Test Sub Four"/>

I want to display children and ancestor node of tree branch incrementally.

1) If node with id=7 is selected, it childrens are displayed.
2) If node with 10 is selected, Nodes with id 10,9,8,7 are display. Node 
With id=12 is not.

The template below appears to go some way to achieving this, however it
displays all nodes at once.

Would appreciate any help achieving my desired result.    

<xsl:template match="tree_node">
  <xsl:if test="parent::tree or ancestor::tree_node[@id=$id]">
    <table width="100%">
	  <td align="right" width="{count(ancestor-or-self::*) * 10}">
          <a href="{$url}&amp;node={@id}">+</a>
	    <xsl:value-of select="@value"/>


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