Subject: Re: [xsl] How to output <xsl:message> to a log file From: Dan <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 16:12:52 +0100 |
> I am trying to build some error handling wich would flag the errors but > would still carry on doing the transformation. > I was reading that <xsl:message terminate="no"> could output the message > to a log file, or store it in the message buffer. <xsl:message terminate="no"> is certainly a good way to output error messages without stopping the transformation. <xsl:message> simply goes to standard out (or standard error); I don't know if there's a way to redirect error messages using MSXML2. But Michael Kay's book has a warning that you might find interesting: "Microsoft's MSXML3 parser currently ignores <xsl:message terminate="no"> so the message is not reported anywhere. If terminate="yes", it generates an error, which can be handled through the script on the HTML page that invoked the transformation." -- It's not surprising that the real world doesn't always conform itself to our words. What's surprising is the number of people who proclaim that reality is wrong "by definition".
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