Re: [xsl] How to output <xsl:message> to a log file

Subject: Re: [xsl] How to output <xsl:message> to a log file
From: Dan <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 16:12:52 +0100
> I am trying to build some error handling wich would flag the errors but
> would still carry on doing the transformation.
> I was reading that <xsl:message terminate="no"> could output the message
> to a log file, or store it in the message buffer.

<xsl:message terminate="no"> is certainly a good way to output error
messages without stopping the transformation.

<xsl:message> simply goes to standard out (or standard error); I don't
know if there's a way to redirect error messages using MSXML2. But
Michael Kay's book has a warning that you might find interesting:

"Microsoft's MSXML3 parser currently ignores <xsl:message
terminate="no"> so the message is not reported anywhere. If
terminate="yes", it generates an error, which can be handled through the
script on the HTML page that invoked the transformation."

  It's not surprising that the real world doesn't always conform
  itself to our words. What's surprising is the number of people
  who proclaim that reality is wrong "by definition".

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