[xsl] Sequence of chars not working with analyze-string

Subject: [xsl] Sequence of chars not working with analyze-string
From: "Kent Seegmiller" <hookjaw20@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 03:07:17 -0600
I am trying to parse a text doc using analyze-string. But when I want to retrieve the 30th to 60th chars it ignores the first arg and retrieves the second. For example (.{{30,60}}) returns 60 chars.
Here is the source: "Daily Appointments.txt"
Consignee: FARR WEST - DELI
Start Time Stop Time Load ID Order # Carrier Cases Weight Pallets Cube Vendor Name Load Type

04/01/06 06:00 04/01/06 07:30 300559 PFS* Door:311D Con:0104 StrrmLnCPU HOT
9856065 1,800 36,000 56 1,821PROFESSIONAL FOOD SYSTEMS ( ( (
Load Totals 1,800 36,000 56 1,821

04/01/06 06:00 04/01/06 07:30 300382 DON STOCKLEY TRUCKING Door:317D Con:0104 StrrmLnCPU HOT
9865900 206 2,650 11 253KINGS HAWAIIAN BAKERY ( ( (
9872940 5 3,780 5 270AMERICAN PIE ( ( (

9877320 290 1,813 2 86SAPUTO CHEESE USA INC ( ( (
9880590 450 6,831 6 298AMERICAN PIE ( ( (
( ( (
9880600 418 4,828 10 347CLAIM JUMPER RETAIL FOODS
9886650 282 3,036 4 145SPECIALTY BRANDS ( ( (

Load Totals 1,651 22,938 38 1,399
04/01/06 06:00 04/01/06 07:30 300166 AFS Door:319D Con:0104 StrrmLnCPU HOT
9873530 630 4,095 6 180LAYTON DAIRY ( ~ (
( ~ (
9880740 1,008 6,300 10 297LAYTON DAIRY

Using the following
<xsl:for-each select="tokenize(unparsed-text('Daily Appointments.txt'),'\r\n')">
<xsl:analyze-string select="." regex="(\d{{7}})\s+([0-9,]+)(.{{30,60}})">
<po><xsl:value-of select="regex-group(1)"/></po>
<cases><xsl:value-of select="replace(regex-group(2),',','')"/></cases>
<vendor><xsl:value-of select="regex-group(3)"/></vendor>

I am trying to retrieve the PO, cases, and vendor name.

Thanks for the help

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