Re: [xsl] Input requested for a good genuine example of the best parts of XSLT 2

Subject: Re: [xsl] Input requested for a good genuine example of the best parts of XSLT 2
From: Abel Braaksma <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 23:36:45 +0100
Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
For example 2.0 has an extensive set of date functions, it has a function dedicated to convert upper case to lower case unlike 1.0.

indeed, see my example stylesheet.

Some of us don't have a choice but to stick with XSLT1.0 for a while, until the dependent technologies implement the features of XSLT2.0

I know, I am aiming at those who can, because they have a choice (.NET developers, Eiffel developers, Java developers etc)

Given that XSLT2.0 and XPath2.0 attained W3C recommendation status only a day ago, it will take time before dependent technologies like Xalan upgrade from XSLT1.0 to 2.0

a long time, likely, as it is quite a complex standard, especially considering the SA parts, of which only one compliant implementation is available.

until then, those who use Xalan have to stay with XSLT1.0.

Or switch to Saxon if they can. (Xalan is Java too, isn't it?)

Otherwise using the latest version of XSLT is as simple as, using better and easier features.

Are you trying to translate everything written in XSLT1.0/XPath1.0 to their 2.0 version

No. Maybe I did not make my point clear. I wanted to invite everybody involved with XSLT 2 (and XPath 2, for that matter) to augment or alter my example of showcasing / displaying the main (or typical) features that XSLT 2 has to offer in comparison to XSLT 1.

I am quite aware of XSLT 2 and all that's involved. I am using it for > 2 years now, of which 1 year more actively. What I am trying to achieve is a showcase template that can be used to trigger people sticking to XSLT 1 to consider moving to XSLT 2. Something like: look, you can do this and that in XSLT 2 that you can't in XSLT 1.

Look at my proposal template. It showcases several key concepts, but I am sure others will find other things important to show the main characteristics of XSLT 2. I am aiming for some input to end up with a best-of-breed showcase XSLT 2 example template (wow, that's a mouthful!)

-- Abel Braaksma

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