Re: [xsl] I need to make sure that all namespace declarations get output to a particular element, not the document element

Subject: Re: [xsl] I need to make sure that all namespace declarations get output to a particular element, not the document element
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:14:51 GMT
> unless you put that namespace to the xsl:stylesheet and/or when you 
> add exclude-result-prefixes)

The two situations though are very different, if you put the namespace
declaration on xsl:stylesheet (or anywhere else) such that that
namespace is attached to an ancestor of this node in the result tree,
then the element in the result tree does have the namepsace node, but
when serialised the redundant namespace declaration is omitted.

If however the namepsace is specified in exclude-result-prefixes then 
if the namespace declaration appears on an LRE or xsl element, but is
not needed for any element or attribute name in the result tree, then
the namepsace node is not placed in the result tree (so then as a
consequence there is no namespace declaration at that point in the


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