Re: [xsl] XSL 2.0 and .NET and VB

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSL 2.0 and .NET and VB
From: "M. David Peterson" <m.david@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2007 04:24:45 -0600
On Sun, 01 Jul 2007 04:13:17 -0600, M. David Peterson <m.david@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hmmm... Yes and know. I would lean more towards things being faster when you consider that a significant majority of the requests are for browsers that support XSLT. Of course, dependent upon how busy your site is, a good portion of those requests are going to be from search engines. For less busy sites in which the perentage of non-XSLT-support requests are going to be noticably higher, I think it's going to be a matter of testing to really find out for sure if there is an overall savings or not.

Also worth pointing out, and just to be fair: Over the coming years, mobile devices are going to demand a greater share of the percentage of requests. Of course, in this case, the need for a server system that transforms the output into a greater number of formats is going to increase, *especially* when you consider than more phones by default are supporting SVG[1] and MSFT has significant interest in promoting the use of Silverlight in the mobile device space.

So in this regard, the use of an advanced server-side processing system that has the ability to output multiple format types is going to increase, where as the ability to transform via client-side XSLT is going to decrease dependent, of course, on whether or not client-side XSLT makes its way into the mobile device space. I personally have my doubts that it will as it would be a bit too power hungry to be attractive to a mobile device manufacturer, but I could easily be wrong (and hope that I am.)

+1 Jirka
+1 M:D

[1] (WARNING: Page is ~3megs of phone pics and related text)


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