Re: [xsl] Testing implicit XHTML hierarchy

Subject: Re: [xsl] Testing implicit XHTML hierarchy
From: "bryan rasmussen" <rasmussen.bryan@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 09:36:33 +0200
On 7/5/07, Jesper Tverskov <jesper@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
How much testing is enough?

Well since the stylesheet is more generic I guess if it makes sure that h2 h4 returns an error then the error checking works.

The David code needs to be improved with more exact error messages,

I guess the error message would be something like:

An <xsl:value-of select="concat('h',$h[current()])"/> cannot be
followed directly by a <xsl:value-of select="concat('h',$h[current() +
1])"/> the rule is -- state the rule here

and we also have the problem of transferring a for-each to Schematron.
I guess we need to make an assertion for each heading level.


Cheers, Bryan Rasmussen

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