Subject: [xsl] search for aligned elements From: "Rodrigo Segnini" <rsegnini@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:09:31 +0900 |
I have an xml document with the following structure, used for annotation of events:
<annotation> <body> <track name="some event name"> <el index="0" start="38.4" end="39.08"> </el> <el index="1" start="39.08" end="43.04"> </el> </track> <track name="other name"> <el index="0" start="0.04" end="4"> </el> </track>
</body> </annotation>
I am interested in finding elements across tracks falling within the same range as delimited by the start and end fields. There are various rules to determine what means to be within range or not.
When aligned elements are found, an attribute is added to a third track linking the two.
Is xsl the right way to go for this procedure (speed is crucial), or is parsing the document and traversing it from another language a better option?
If the former is appropriate, could I get enough info through this list to accomplish it, as a programmer but neophite to xsl, or would anyone be interested in doing this work on a contract basis? Also suggestions to the latter option are appreciated.
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