Re: [xsl] search for aligned elements

Subject: Re: [xsl] search for aligned elements
From: Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 11:43:21 +0900
Hi Rodrigo,

>I am interested in finding elements across tracks falling within the
>same range as delimited by the start and end fields. There are various
>rules to determine what means to be within range or not.

There is a big difference in the answer to your question depending on what
XSL/XPath Version you are using.

Quoting from the list guidlines ... since I just joined the list myself and
read them :-)


Name the XSL processor, processor version, and version of the language you
are using. This information is frequently necessary to diagnose a problem
exactly, and always helps respondents give good advice.

Justin Johansson
Freelance XML / XSLT / XQuery Developer


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