Re: [xsl] search for aligned elements

Subject: Re: [xsl] search for aligned elements
From: "Rodrigo Segnini" <rsegnini@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 13:28:52 +0900
Hi Justin,

Thank you for your reply.
I could easily start using anything that you suggest. Or perhaps there
is a better forum for dealing with my question.

I have been traversing the xml document from within Matlab using the
XMLtree toolbox which deals with XML 1.0 files. I can type in directly
xpath strings compliant with:

Grammar for addressing parts of an XML document:
        XML Path Language XPath (
 Example: /element1//element2[1]/element3[5]/element4

But I thought there might be some advantages in using XML 'native'
methods, outside of Matlab (like Saxon), hence my question.

On 7/18/07, Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Rodrigo,

>I am interested in finding elements across tracks falling within the
>same range as delimited by the start and end fields. There are various
>rules to determine what means to be within range or not.

There is a big difference in the answer to your question depending on what
XSL/XPath Version you are using.

Quoting from the list guidlines ... since I just joined the list myself and
read them :-)


Name the XSL processor, processor version, and version of the language you
are using. This information is frequently necessary to diagnose a problem
exactly, and always helps respondents give good advice.

Justin Johansson Freelance XML / XSLT / XQuery Developer Australia


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