RE: [xsl] [xslt 2.0] Local functions

Subject: RE: [xsl] [xslt 2.0] Local functions
From: Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:00:34 +0900
For those who scan emails without reading all, suggest if you are on this
list you will find this post interesting if you take the time to read the
detail :-)

>And I would love to see some way of organizing all the template rules in a
>mode into some self-contained structure that keeps them tidily in one place.
>Michael Kay

With this higher-level XSLT to lower-level XSLT translator that I've been
alluding to on this list, I was figuring of doing just that.  Conceptually,
to me
anyway, there is a mapping to OO concepts here.

A mode in a given namespace is analogous to a method of
that name implemented in an interface identified by the namespace.

In an OO language, we organize methods into classes and interfaces, and
we wouldn't think twice about having it any other way.

Anyway, since my client had so many templates and in so many modes
and they hated the look and feel of XSL,

and since I got 'em hooked on InfoPath for writing content for their site,

they asked me to see if the XSL could be better organized in InfoPath.

I know that InfoPath is often used in conjunction with an MS server (typically
Sharepoint), but I've managed to successfully build into an authoring
environment running on Apache Tomcat.

Naturally I use Saxon to to the server-side transforms,  which BTW should
end up being a bit more robust now having recently upgraded to

A screen capture of the hastily knocked-up form for authoring the
XSL stylesheets can be seen here :

I don't have any vistor logs set up on my Tomcat server yet, and since
I'd like to know if many people bother looking at that link, I'd appreciate
a quick email to

procode (at) tpg (dot) com (dot) au

Obviously comments on the approach are welcome on this list.

Justin Johansson
Now a Schema-Aware XSLT Evangelist

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