Re: [xsl] [xslt 2.0] Local functions

Subject: Re: [xsl] [xslt 2.0] Local functions
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 21 Jul 2007 15:12:43 +0100
>>>>> "Justin" == Justin Johansson <procode@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Justin> Yes I well remember The Wirth User Manual and Report on
    Justin> Pascal and using local functions in that language.  My
    Justin> experience was similar to yours and I didn't particularly
    Justin> coding that way.  However since some latter day languages
    Justin> still support local functions, I was wondering if somehow
    Justin> they were still in vogue.

Eiffel has recently introduced inline agents, which are a limited form
of local function.

I am spearheading a campaign to get them promptly removed from the
language, but the ECMA committee who govern the language specification
won't agree.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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