Subject: RE: [xsl] use of $foo/(//path) From: "Michael Kay" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 22:44:23 -0000 |
> In this article: > > > > I noticed this: > > <xsl:sequence select="$actor/(//video[actorRef=$actor/@id])"/> > > The part which caught my eye was: > > $actor/(//...) > It's worth quoting the context: <xsl:function name="f:videos-for-actor" as="schema-element(video)*"> <xsl:param name="actor" as="schema-element(actor)"/> <xsl:sequence select="$actor/(//video[actorRef=$actor/@id])"/> </xsl:function> I think this can be a useful coding style within a function. There is no context node in a function, but you can establish one using $x/EXP. So if you want to evaluate a familiar expression within a function, but you can't because there is no context node, just write $x/ in front of the expression to set the context node to $x. This works, more or less, for any expression. (The more-or-less is because there's a side-effect of forcing deduplication and sorting into document order). Similarly in XQuery rather than writing for $x in EXP return <a> <b>{$x/foo}</b> <c>{$x/bar}</c> etc </a> I've been known to write for $x in EXP return $x/<a> <b>{foo}</b> <c>{bar}</c> etc </a> which saves a few keystrokes. Perhaps this is confusing, I don't know. I think it's worth experimenting - constructs like this become familiar through usage, and some will survive, other die. Perhaps using root() is less demanding on the reader. I've also been known to write <xsl:variable name="root" select="$actor/(/)"/> Like the previous construct, this is eminently logical, but until it becomes a familiar coding idiom, it might be more friendly to write select="root($actor)" or "$actor/ancestor::document-node()". Michael Kay
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