Re: [xsl] Temporary tree elements and namespaces: Further question

Subject: Re: [xsl] Temporary tree elements and namespaces: Further question
From: "Sam Byland" <shbyland@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:41:58 -0500

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

Since you are using XSLT 1.0, setting the default namespace (xmlns= will affect literal result elements heading to the output document, so in this case any literal result element written to the output document will end up in the ""; namespace by default.

For pattern matching, expressions, etc., in the stylesheet, names with no prefix will still refer to the null namespace. So the following:

<relationship topic="1561.htm" toc="toc9497.htm" />
<relationship topic="950.htm" toc="toc.htm" />

Which I load into a variable as follows:

<xsl:variable name="mappings"
select="document('')/mappings/relationship" />

Which I'm assuming loads _all_ the relationships into $mappings.

is correct -- all relationships will be selected because no prefix means no namespace, and as you indicated, elements are in the null namespace.

<xsl:value-of select="$mappings/relationship[@topic=@href]/@toc">

Where @href is in the default xhtml namespace and @topic and @toc are in the
new namespace.

The question is, where do I declare the new namespace and how do I ensure it
is applied to the relationships and attributes in

Even with Florent's correction:

<xsl:value-of select="mappings[@topic eq @href]/@toc"/>

I'm not sure what you're looking to do here since @href is not an attribute of anything in $mappings. However, you seem to indicate that @href is from another file perhaps, and is an attribute of an element that is in the namespace.... You can still handle that since you also defined the xhtml prefix to be bound to that namespace. Example:

Assume is the following XML document:

  <relationship topic="1561.htm" toc="toc9497.htm"/>
  <relationship topic="950.htm" toc="toc.htm"/>

and assume Test.xml is the following XML document:

<SomeElement xmlns=""; href="1561.htm"/>

Then the following XSLT (adapted from your snippets of code and includes Florent's correction):

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""; xmlns:xhtml=""; xmlns=""; exclude-result-prefixes="xhtml">

<xsl:variable name="mappings" select="document('')/mappings/relationship" />

<xsl:variable name="xhtmlMappings" select="document('Test.xml')"/>

<xsl:template match="mappings">


<xsl:value-of select="$mappings[@topic=$xhtmlMappings/xhtml:SomeElement/@href]/@toc"/>




will output the following XML:

<LiteralResultElement xmlns=""; xmlns:xhtml="";>toc9497.htm</LiteralResultElement>

which you will note is an element in the namespace...

Does that help?



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