Re: [xsl] writing to file from MSXML 4.0

Subject: Re: [xsl] writing to file from MSXML 4.0
From: Christian Wittern <cwittern@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 22:10:55 +0900
Dear Joe,

Thanks for the quick answer.

> Chris

> Basically you use transformNodeToObject, there's an example here:
> If your output is XML then use the same logic as the example except
instead of the last line (WScript.echo) use<path to >
> save to>).
> If the output is not XML you can use an ADODB.Stream instead of a
DomDocument to accept the result and write to disk.

I guess you are talking about this example:

// Load data.
var source = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
source.async = false;
if (source.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
   var myErr = source.parseError;
   WScript.Echo("You have error " + myErr.reason);
} else {
   // Load style sheet.
   var stylesheet = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
   stylesheet.async = false;
   if (stylesheet.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
      var myErr = stylesheet.parseError;
      WScript.Echo("You have error " + myErr.reason);
   } else {
      // Set up the resulting document.
      var result = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
      result.async = false;
      result.validateOnParse = true;
      // Parse results into a result DOM Document.
      WScript.Echo(source.transformNodeToObject(stylesheet, result));

Unfortunately, this is doing the reverse, calling a XSL transform from
Jscript. What I need is calling JScript from XSLT.
The following is the closest I found to what I need:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<msxsl:script language="JScript" implements-prefix="user">
   function xml(nodelist) {
      return nodelist.nextNode().xml;

<xsl:template match="/">
   <xsl:value-of select="user:xml(.)"/>


However what I do not understand is, how to get an object that can be
saved in the msxsl:script block.

All the best,


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